
Watch our X-Mas Single now!

Watch the FULL VIDEO on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/x-mas-single-15998067 Join our Patreon Campaign now to get access to loads of other cool and exclusive material – just for our Patreon backers!...

Shining is changing booking agency in Europe!

Please contact management Versity Music at per@versitymusic.se for booking inquiries until new agent has been announced! Please add shining@shining.no on copy. Versity Music att: Per Kviman per@versitymusic.se Office: +46 8 122 070 90 Mobile: +46 733 89 3664 We parted...

Shining looking for a videographer!

We are looking for a person to come with us to the studio in Oslo when recording our new album December 9th-18th, and make four short studio video diary episodes for our Patreon membership club, and one live video where we play a X-mas song or similar winter themed...